Tuesday, March 4, 2008

reflection of unit 2

On the unit 2 in critical literacy, I had learned how to further practice in applying the core skills involved in critical literacy. The information that I found interesting is battling the bullies. In this article publish by advertiser in education section, written by Martina Simos. The article is about, Mary Watson son who get bullies in school every day. After Mary Watson realizes that her son had been bullied by other students, she went to see the principle to overcome the problems. But the problems turn more serious. As a conclusion of the story Mary Watson change her son school. A year later her son had no problems to attend to school.
In this unit 1, I had been given an activity in study guide. The activity that had been given is same as in unit 1. When I first did the activity in study guide, I try to elaborate it in critical way. I still found perspective and positioning a bit confusing because for me it a bit similar. Another terminology that I found difficult to understand is language, perspective, and ideology. I found it hard to understand because they using the small font and between the paragraph there is no gap and it confusing.
When I first read battling the bullies I know it is about problems among children. But the writer using small font and I found it confusing in paragraph to another paragraph. But after I read the paragraph again and again and I did the portfolio task I found it interesting and I know how to write in critical way.
Conclusion in this unit is, this unit emphasizes the role of perspective in determining a critical understanding of text.

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